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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

13 Months

Diego had sort of a rough 13th month of life. He was pretty sick for over a week, and the crankiness seemed to really linger, until Eddie and I figured out he was having trouble with cow's milk. We switched him to Next Step Formula and he is back to his happy-go-lucky self! We'll bring back the milk a little later, apparently after having stomach illness kids can have trouble digesting the milk for a while, which can cause further upset stomach. For now, we're good with the formula instead. Diego is such a happy boy! He is all smiles and giggles and is mimicking everything we do. Even if he can't say the actual words we say, he makes the sound. He squeals with delight if we chase after him, or if he chases after us. He even enjoys the company of the dog a little more now, although she still thinks of him as her own personal playtime buddy and licks his face and ears constantly, which promptly annoys Diego! They are getting better though. We've taken him over to the new house several times and he LOVES it! Of course, right now its still pretty much empty so we just crawl around playing with the toys over there, but its fun nonetheless. He also loves the stairs! We will definitely be investing in some good baby gates, and if any of you momma's out there have some recommendations on which gates are best for stairs, let me know!

When I took Diego to his 1 year well child checkup, the Doctor asked me if he pointed at things. I was a little dumbfounded and said no. I had never witnessed him pointing at things, although had recently noted other babies around his age were pointing at various things. When I said no, the Doctor said we would have to recheck at his next appointment, so what does a first time mother do? I freaked out about it! Talked to all my friends, family, looked it up on the internet, looked it up in "what to expect the Toddler years", etc. Well, a month later, he finally points! He points at the ceiling fans and says "fan", he points at random things just to point...I am happy and my mind is at ease. Now, I'm just waiting for him to walk. Although I'm sure once he does, I'll be wishing he still was just crawling. :)

Right now, Diego's favorite bedtime story is Goodnight Moon and his favorite part of the story is "the quiet old lady whispering hush". Everytime I read him this story he smiles, kicks his feet and says "hush" when I read that part. He will even pick it up and say hush while he looks at it himself. He really loves to look at books and magazines, turning pages is his favorite! He also just learned how to point to his nose when asked "where is your nose?" Too cute!

All in all, we are so lucky to have such a blessing in our lives. Diego adds so much to our lives and we have so much fun together! Soon we'll be in a new house with a big yard to explore, can't wait for spring and summer!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


We've had quite a week. In the midst of all three of us being sick, we received news of two possible offers coming in on the house. Talk about thrilled! After having only 1 showing in the first month on the market, we lowered the price of the house by $5,000 and within the next week we had a few calls! The first expected offer didn't come in, however, the second one did...and we accepted! They actually offered just above what we were asking and we are paying NOTHING out of pocket for the closing...can you believe it? We are so excited to move and so happy with how everything has worked out. We are so blessed.
Here is a picture of the front of the new house! I found this picture on the county assessor's office, so I think its at least a few years old, so the plants in the front are much more mature, but its a beautiful house and we are so excited! I'm hoping to get some pics of the inside soon, before we move all our junk in!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homemade Pedialyte

Homemade Pedialyte
1 qt Water
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
4-8 tsp sugar

Why would I need to know how to make homemade pedialyte? Well, my poor child started throwing up last night around 11. It is truly and completely heartbreaking to see your child throw up. I cried right along with him. I knew something was up. He hasn't been himself for a few days now and last night he had a really hard time getting to sleep, which really frustrated me. After he had been in bed for 2 hours, he woke up coughing and crying so I went in to get him and snuggle in my bed with him. Eddie had just come home from work and while he was walking around our room getting ready for bed he looked over and realized Diego was awake and had a strange scared look in his face. A few seconds later he was sort of gagging and then started throwing up. The poor little guy. I can only imagine what could have been going through his head as he started feeling nauseated or when his dinner started coming back out. Not sure how it happened, but I didn't care one bit that he barfed all over me. I guess its part of being a Momma. Then I felt really guilty about being frustrated that it took him so long to get to sleep. He never saw my frustration, but I still felt guilty. He just didn't know how to tell me he wasn't feeling good. He wasn't upset when he was trying to go to sleep, he just couldn't. He woke up again at 3 am and acted like he was hungry or thirsty, so I tried to give him a bit of a bottle and he got sick again. Then again at 7:30 this morning. I called the Dr and after they asked their series of questions, determined that it wasn't necessary for me to bring him in but I needed to give him pedialyte, or make my own. Then they proceeded to tell me I should give him 2 tsps of my homemade pedialyte every 2 minutes, yes 2 minutes. Seemed like a lot to me, but I did it. Sometimes it was 4 or 6 minutes but as long as he wasn't sleeping, for the next 8 hours I gave him the mixture. He was a really good sport about it and since he was snuggling on the couch with me most of the day anyway, it wasn't hard to give it to him. We read books, we played with some toys and he slept for about 4 hours. The Dr had said to avoid giving him anything but clear liquids until he had gone 8 hours without vomiting. After he woke up from his nap, I decided to give him a cracker, cause it had been 8 hours. The little man was hungry! Usually when I give him a cracker he crushes it and makes a big fun mess, but he took tiny, meticulous bites and went through three crackers leaving nothing but a few crumbs on his tray! And thank goodness, he kept them down. He also drank a ton of water and then actually played for a while on the floor before having more crackers and a bit of yogurt. He was asleep by 7 tonight, and hopefully tomorrow he'll be a bit more like himself.