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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jag came to play...

Last Friday Diego and I picked up Jag from Kindergarten and brought him home to play and spend the night. We stopped for Happy Meals (Cheeseburger n Fries as Diego calls them) and came home for Diego's naptime. Jag and I watched "The Princess and the Frog" while Diego napped and then we headed outside. We had a lot of fun outside with sidewalk chalk. I drew a hopscotch and then Diego "messed it up" (Jag says) by coloring in it. Jag had a lot of fun playing hopscotch and then our new friends from across the street came to play too! It was a beautiful afternoon so we had juice, snacks and popsicles outside!

Later we went to get dinner and Jag konked out in the backseat. When we got home, I couldn't get him to wake up! I had to carry him in and lay him on the couch and he slept through Diego being super loud! When I went to wake him up, I was rubbing his arm and shoulder trying to gently wake him up and Diego came over to help too. It was so cute. He kept saying "Do you want some pizza Jag?" In a very soft cute voice. Even though they are over 3 years apart, I think they'll still be good buddies!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


At Christmastime Diego and I decorated a few Christmas cookies and he fell in love with "Splinkles" and frosting. A few weeks ago we were at Target perusing the easter section and he saw a funfetti cake mix and a frosting can with sprinkles on top. Cake AND Frosting with sprinkles? He had to have them, and they were a lot cheaper than a toy. Today we finally made the cake and he had fun with the frosting and "splinkles" and I really enjoyed watching him!

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Camera

About a week and a half ago, I lost my small Cannon camera. The one I use every day. I didn't just lose it, I drove off with it on the bumper of my car. Yep. I did it. I remember putting it there and thinking "I'm not going anywhere so I know I'll get it later." Then, I decided to go somewhere. Later when I went to find it to post a blog with the pictures on it, I remembered what I had done. So I walked up and down my street a little in the dark to see if I could find it. Then Eddie looked on his way home. Then the next morning at 7 am we all went out in the car and drove to all the places I had gone. It was gone. I'm glad there were very few pictures on it and the events recorded could be easily re-created. Fortunately, I have a very forgiving husband who didn't even give me a bad time about it. I'm pretty sure I was more upset about it than he was. The next day I ordered a new one from and got it later that week. Its a Nikon Coolpix S3000 and I already love it. Its small and its purple and it was inexpensive! I'm still really thankful it wasn't the Nikon SD5000 on the back of the car I drove off in. I have a feeling Eddie may not have been so forgiving had I driven off with HIS camera and lost it.

Heeeelllllloooooo Chloe! For some reason, I die laughing every time I see this picture!

Diego and a 1/2 smile while watching Thomas

Mmmm a mouthful of bathwater.

Monkey hooded towel, complete with a tail!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Riding the Scooter

Eddie and I gave Diego a Radio Flyer "My 1st Scooter" for his birthday and we have really been enjoying it the last few days outside! He would normally refuse to wear his helmet, but as soon as I mentioned taking the scooter outside to ride it, he wanted his helmet on right away. I'm not sure where he learned to ride a scooter, but he knows how to do it!