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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Preschool Christmas Program

I don't want to forget how wonderful it was to watch our little guy in his very first Christmas program.  BAM!  I'm back to blogging.  I have kicked myself almost daily for not blogging sooner, so here I am.

Tonight was Diego's very first preschool Christmas program!  We were so proud to watch him.  Leading up to the program he was SO nervous.  He would tell us he didn't want to go and the next minute be very excited to go.  

When we arrived, he couldn't have been more excited!  Eddie and I were very excited to watch him and all his cuteness.  

They all marched down the center aisle of the Sanctuary ringing bells and got right in to their first song.  Happy Birthday, Jesus!  Which Diego has been singing at home for weeks now.  After that song, Diego was pretending to fall and sitting down.  His teacher finally had to pull him down closer to her so he could be monitored (that's our Diego!).  I was actually glad because then we had a better view of him.  He was so sweet when he was singing.  The look on his face was absolutely precious.  At the end of their last song, he let out a huge giggle, laughing at a baby that was seated in the first row.  He always has a way of attracting attention to himself.  It was adorable and made our night!  After the kids were excused they showed a really cute slideshow of all the kids.  The whole thing lasted about 30 minutes and it was absolutely perfect!  We are so proud of our preschooler!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's been a fun week, Indeed!

I'm back for Fun Day Friday with Little Lucy Lu!

I don't have any pictures, BORING I know.  But I was just too busy enjoying myself to run off and grab the camera.  

We did yard work together this week.  Not usually my idea of fun, but it was just nice to be outside and enjoy time as a family working on our home!  Diego loves to pull weeds (YES!!) and thinks its "hard work" so we've got him started early on chores.  

I mentioned this in an earlier post, but Diego and I did some swimming outside this week, and it was too much fun not to mention in my fun day friday post!  Water wings have given him the freedom and independence in the pool he has been longing for.  Even though I'm still right next to him, I can see the pride in his face when he can float without me holding him.  LOVED IT!  He's got 4 full weeks of swimming lessons coming up this summer, and I know he will just LOVE it!

Another fun thing for me this week?  I'm getting ready to have a garage sale with one of my BFF's, Mindy.  I have been so excited to price and get my loot ready to sell!  Don't ask my why, but getting rid of the stuff we don't need/use in our house seems so freeing to me.  I recently read that so many of us attach sentiment to items that just don't deserve it and having too much clutter in our home can actually be very unsettling.  This made complete sense to me!  I have a hard time relaxing at home because we have so much STUFF around. I have never been good at putting things in their place, mostly because I feel like we have too much stuff and not enough places to put it.   Project house clean up is underway!

Diego helped me with some baking this week!  He has never been too interested in helping me in the kitchen, I think he lacked the attention span and I might have possibly, just maybe, lacked the patience (I'm not known for my patience :), but this week, it just seemed to work beautifully.  He scooped and dumped flour, sugar, baking powder, etc.  He operated the crank sifter and even did some whisking!  He seemed so excited to be up there helping and has been talking about it ever since!  The results of our baking together was a HUGE success and we are still finishing the leftovers.  We made Marshmallow Crunch Brownie Bars, TO. DIE. FOR.  Saving the recipe for another post, but basically its a layer of brownies (not even from a box, impressive?  Yes, I'm just sayin'), a layer of marshmallows and a layer of chocolate, peanut butter, butter and rice crispies all melted and stirred together.  Talk about YUM!

Shopping fun!  Diego has become a fun little shopping buddy, sans stroller.  He hides in the clothing racks and thinks its hilarious and best of all, sticks by me for the most part.  I have been on the hunt for some shorts for the summer that a) aren't too short b) are good colors and c) aren't "MOM" shorts (have you seen the SNL skit for MOM jeans?  Go look, you'll get it).  I found two pairs today at macy's!  Yay!  I couldn't find pics of them online to post, but I'm so excited!

The FUN BALL finally made it out of the box this week!  My sister bought Diego this huge inflatable ball for his birthday and basically its a human hamster ball.  And, he loves it!  It was so fun to watch him get in and figure out how to roll himself around the yard and of course it didn't take long for him to realize it was A LOT more fun to have Mom or Dad PUSH him around the yard in it.  I thought the idea was for him to get a bit of exercise from it?  Nope, we get the workout.  :)~  His buddy Lauren came over and tried it out with him too, and also LOVED it!

And, That's all folks!  Next week I hope to have some pictures to show our fun, but for now, I'm OUT.

A Pile of Firsts

This week, Diego has had a pile of firsts!  Watching him go through these is like magic for me, whether they are good firsts, or challenging firsts, growing up is magical to watch.  Don't get me wrong, I DON'T want my only child to grow up too quickly, and I'm drinking in every second of his small little self and all its glory.

:: We took our first trip of the season to the outdoor pool and our local gym.  It was a gorgeous day and I couldn't pass up a little pool time with my little guy and some friends.  He wore water wings (you know, the thingys that go on his arms to help him float?) and even though he resisted a little, it turned out fantastic!  He LOVES the water and has recently been longing for a bit more independence in the pool.  The water wings gave that to him!  Even though I was still right next to him the whole time, just the fact that he could float on his own and jump in without me catching him was exactly what he needed!

:: We've had to step up our game a bit on the discipline lately and it has really paid off.  He is finally old enough to understand that he has to stay in time out until the timer goes off.  Up until now, he would just get up (no matter how many times I would put him back) and thought it was a big game.  This last week, he has stayed put for his 3 minutes (for the most part) and got up when the timer goes off.  I have seen a HUGE improvement in his ability to follow directions and listen to us.  He knows we mean business and for as little effort it took, I wish we would have been a bit more firm a while ago, but hey, live and learn, right?  He was a total angel today and I know it was because of the hard work we have all put in recently to guide him.  I have also started paying WAY more attention to what he does right, than what he does wrong.  It is so easy (especially with a 3 year old, amen?) to just say NO and STOP THAT all day without recognizing the little things he is doing wonderfully!  Praise really is the key and even though I've known this all along, consciously making that effort has been quite rewarding to he and I both.

::  He has started to be even more interested in the music we listen to, just like me!  He asks the song title and artist of almost every song we hear and will sing along really well after only hearing the song a few times.  I have always been this way and hearing my son pick up on it is so fun for me!  His current favorites are Edge of Glory by Lady GaGa (who has been a favorite of his for a while now), Dynamite by Taio Cruz and Honky Tonk Badonkadonk by Trace Adkins.  He and I sang Honky Tonk Bandonkadonk (just that line) about 10 times at bedtime tonight and he giggled everytime he said badonkadonk.  I LOVED IT!  I love having someone to sing with!

:: Diego has always enjoyed memorizing words and parts of books.  He usually has a favorite book we read over and over for a period of time before moving on to a new one and eventually he will memorize at least some of the words.  His recent favorite is "Llama Llama Misses Mama" by Anna Dewndney.  Most of the other books he has memorize pieces of are board books with far fewer words than this one.  Tonight, he wowed me!  He recited several pages of this book without any reminding from me.  It felt like he was reading the book to me!  He even used the same voice inflections as I use when I read it to him.  It was incredibly sweet to hear.  I need to take a video, something for me to watch over and over.

::  This isn't new, but Diego is an impressive copy cat.  He will copy just about anything he hears or sees in others around him.  He will mimic words and sounds and today at the park he even wanted to take off his shirt and shoes because another boy had taken his off (I said NO! LOL).  Its pretty cute, but not so convenient when something inappropriate slips out of someone's mouth!

::  Another benefit to the stepped up discipline is Diego is cleaning up after himself very well!  Cleaning up is something I used to dread doing with him because it was such a fight and many nights I would clean up after he was in bed, just to save myself from having to deal with the fit he would throw.  This week though, he will clean up one toy before getting out another!  YES!  Now if only Eddie and I could do the same, we might occasionally have a picked up house!

::  A bit random, but today was our dog, Chloe's, 9th birthday.  When I told Diego this morning he thought we should take her to NW Kids club to play and also buy her a new train as a present.  (Thoughtful and smart little bugger, isn't he?)  I did let him pick out a new toy for her at the store today.  He chose a soft basketball for her and came home and gave it to her, it was really cute.  He also recently found a small framed picture of Chloe I used to keep on my desk as work (before I had a child!) and it now sits on his dresser in his bedroom.  And he often looks at it to make sure its still there and says "Chloe is my favorite dog ever."  When we came back from vacation he said to her "Chloe, oh, I missed you so much!"  Weird because he seems to always be frustrated with her because she is ALWAYS in his face.  They are slowing becoming best buds and I love that we can go to other friends' house that have dogs and he isn't bothered by them.  Big dogs used to always scare me and now that we have one of our own, its not as big of a deal.

::  Diego had TWO bloody noses yesterday.  Totally freaky for me.  I never had a bloody nose until I was 27 and pregnant (I cried and called Eddie at work because I was just sure it meant something was wrong with the baby or my blood pressure was REALLY high), so they are not familiar for me.  It was first thing in the morning and we are not sure if he was picking his nose or it just happened, but it seemed to stop fairly quickly at home.  Then about 30 minutes later we were in the car and it just started dripping blood.  It was just him and I and I was downtown Salem and had really no place to pull over so I just kept handing him kleenex.  He kept it under control for the most part and finally a kleenex stuck to it and soaked up the majority of the blood.  It had stopped by the time we got home and he didn't seem bothered by it one little bit.  He just said "I need to tell Jaycoby about my bleed."  LOL  Jaycoby is one of his little buddies who we see at least weekly.  Diego likes to tell everyone about his owies, even if they are all healed.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fun-Day Friday: Family Fun Edition

Better late than never!  So glad it's Fun-Day Friday again!

This last week we got to spend time with family we don't get to see very often, and we ALL had a great time!

Play Doh Fun with GG Lillian (3 of her 4 Great Grandchildren)
And the Beach, his favorite!

This is just a taste of our California fun!  Look for more posts soon and Happy Sunny Fun-Day Friday!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun-Day Friday Disneyland Edition

I can't actually link up for fun day Friday this week, but we have had the funnest (is that a word?) week ever so far! We flew to California on Tuesday afternoon and today is our third and last day at Disneyland before we get to spend some time with family.

This is Eddie and Diegos first visit and we are all thoroughly enjoying every moment! Today we decided to take a break in the afternoon for a nap and some swimming so we could go back when its dark. Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth!
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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Diego's First Awesome 3000 Race

 The Awesome 3000 race was today!  Leading up to the race, Diego has been so excited.  The morning wasn't quite "awesome" but we made it, he ran (most of it), got a medal and a new book.  The end.  (There's more, but honestly, I'm gonna print a book someday with all these blog entries for us to read for years to come, and I'm pretty sure we don't wanna read about meltdowns. Ha!)  First Awesome 3000, check!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh yes, Fun Day Friday is back again!

I LOVED my first Fun-Day Friday post last week, and now Bec @ Little Lucy Lu has made it an official Link Party. This is the first link party I have participated in, and I am SO excited and hope to do more in the future. Want to join the fun? Click the link above, or the Fun-Day Friday button and follow Little Lucy Lu!

Here's the FUN going on in our HOUSE this week:

1.  Diego is participating for the first time in the Salem Keizer Education Foundation's Awesome 3000!  He's SO excited, be looking for a post on how the race went later this weekend!  The Pre-K Race is 300 meters (3/4 of the track) and several of his little friends are going to be running as well.  I can't wait to see how he likes it!

2.  Next Tuesday we are leaving for vacation.  I can hardly contain my excitement.  We are taking our first family trip to Disneyland and visiting with family we adore and never get to see!  This will be both Eddie and Diego's very first visit to Disneyland, and we get three fun filled days!  Then 5 relaxing fun days with family!  Thrilled!

3.  I watched the Royal Wedding last weekend, it was beautiful.  Even Eddie and Diego joined my strange compulsion to watch.  And that was it.  Totally. Over. It.

4.  Diego and I spent time with a lot of friends this week.  That's what I'm calling a fun week.  Playdates, trips to the park, etc.  Essentials for a SAHM!

5.  REALLY excited for Mother's Day Breakfast with My Mom!  Sassy Onion here we come!  The menu looks amazing and I'm thinking Biscuits and Gravy are gonna be on the agenda for THIS MAMA!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Hoppy" Easter!

Easter was pretty low key, but a lot of fun this year!

 On Easter morning, the Easter Bunny hid a few eggs and an Easter basket for a really excited little guy!

 We hit the Ram for a yummy Easter brunch!

 The day before Easter, we colored Easter Eggies with Grandma, Uncle Lance, Aunt Yuni, Jack and Benie.  Diego really loved coloring the eggies with a crayon and then dunking them in the dye!

Diego LOVED participating in the MOMs Club Egg Hunt.  He got 4 eggs, and you would have thought the boy had a HUGE basket full judging by his excitement!  He was in heaven.  And, he got a bit of Candy at 10 am, what could be better?

Just for Fun...

Because I LOVE to get dirty.  Because DIEGO loves to get dirty.  Because it was a rainy day and we had been inside.  Because I wanted to take some fun pictures.  I let Diego jump in the puddle that is our backyard, just for fun!  Eddie is planning on fixing the yard soon, so I wanted to take advantage of the dirty, muddy FUN puddle before its gone.  We were outside for maybe 1/2 an hour and I took 300 pictures.  I'm not even kidding.  Eddie insisted on this ridiculously fancy camera about a year ago, and because its so big, I don't take it anywhere or use it nearly enough.  But it captures a lot of fun things, like flying mud!  The shutter speed is amazing, so taking 300 pictures is nothing!  Here are my favorites:
 Jumping in the puddles is pure delight for him~!

 Flying MUD!
I love the Mid-Air pics, can you tell?

All over his face!

I just like this one, because I do.

Super cute profile pic of my boy, and it gives the false impression that our backyard actually looks nice (but it really doesn't right now).  Ha!
Telling me something really important about the mud.

More flingin' mud, he just can't get enough!

Jumping, oh yeah!
He fell in the mud, and it was SO funny!
"One more time, Mama."

Then, we went in and immediately took a shower!

VooDoo Doughnuts

We in the Diaz household LOVE doughnuts.  Don't judge us, ok?  And seriously, keep the cop/doughnut jokes to yourself! ;)  (Bad Cop, NO DOUGHNUT!)  I won't lie, I've used that slogan myself, in my house, to my husband, on several occasions.  Fortunately, he has a great sense of humor, so it always ends in laughter. 

Anyway, the real story here is, we made a spur of the moment trip to VooDoo doughnuts last week.  Eddie tried to go to Dunkin Donuts, but I talked him into VooDoo.  NONE of us were disappointed.  I'm not kidding, once you go VooDoo, you don't wanna go back.  They were SO good.  I will say, though, I've honestly yet to taste a doughnut I didn't like (yes, I'm a fan of Hostess Chocolate Covered Donettes), but VooDoo was superb!  Diego was extremely happy with his Froot Loop donut!

March for Babies

This morning, Diego and I walked in the local March of Dimes "March for Babies".  We did the 3K walk and Diego went sans stroller, meaning he walked almost the entire 3K (1.86 miles).  He was such a great little walker!  I did carry him a little bit, but he walked darn close to the whole thing, with a smile!

 We walked for this sweet girl, Lauren Marie, born at 25 weeks and 4 days, weighing 1 lb 3oz, and for all other babies born prematurely!  Lauren is almost 2 (May 20th is her birthday), and is truly a miracle.  She's a spunky, adorable girl, with one of the cutest voices you'll ever hear.  She's growing and developing perfectly now.  She hit many milestones at an earlier age than Diego (including potty training, which she is currently working on and she is NOT EVEN 2).  We are so thankful to be a part of this girls life.  Her Mama is one of my BFF's and I'm so glad Diego and I got to walk this morning to support this cause!
Lauren's Team (a section of Team Heaven's Hope):  Jami (Mommy), Adam (Daddy), Kari (friend), Diego and I.  What a fun way to start our saturday!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun Day Friday - First Edition

Bec over at Little Lucy Lu is thinking about starting a link up for her Fun Day Friday posts. I decided to jump in this week, even though I'm not exactly sure how this works. The theme for Fun Day Friday is to post about the fun things going on in your life. Thinks you are enjoying, recipes, crafts, fun plans, etc. What a great way to stay positive, right? So, here's what we're loving lately:

1. I finally figured out how to change the font on my blog. And, it wasn't hard at all. I've often neglected the look of my blog for months at a time thinking it would just take too much time or effort to make it look cute. My friend Mindy showed me how easy it is a few months ago. Yay for a semi-cute blog! Its a work in progress.

2. I'm loving my new interest in blogging. I'm discovering how much I enjoy writing as much as I enjoy reading others blogs!

3. Tomorrow we are walking in the local March for Babies, my friend Jami's girl Lauren was a micro-preemie, and a pure miracle. She is growing and developing so perfectly now! I am so excited we get to be a part of this walk with them! (there is still time to donate or register to walk, just click the link above!)

4. Today is my hubby's 34th Birthday! (yes, we will always remember Will and Kate's anniversary because they got married on his birthday, LOL) He's not into big celebrations, but we are partying Eddie style today! (aka Delicious waffles for breakfast, family time at home for the day and roundtable pizza for dinner) Diego made him an adorable card and we got him a gift card for a massage!

5. Guilty pleasure: I watched the royal wedding this morning. I couldn't get over all the press over the event and it was all driving me crazy. But last night, I decided I HAD to watch it, so I set the DVR to record it. I watched it first thing this morning while playing games with Diego. So far I've only seen the ceremony, which was very majestic and gorgeous. Kate looked so happy and when Will saw her he said "You look beautiful, you're beautiful." Yes, I teared up a bit. It was so sweet and they are an adorable couple. Ok, now you know. ;)

Hope you all (do I have any readers yet?) enjoyed my first Fun Day Friday post. Have a GREAT weekend!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Real Dental Cleaning!

Last week I took Diego in for his second dental check up. His very first visit to the dentist is a blur of tears, snot and holding down the bucking bronco that was my sweet child so the dentist could take a quick peek and paint on the vitamins. And, he had a cavity and had to be put under general anesthesia to have it filled. All around poor experience.This time, after a very brief anxiety bout, Diego absolutely amazed me! (and the Dentist and Hygienist) He let the hygienist show him her tools, he picked out a toothbrush and wore the cute sunglasses. Then, he layed there very still, following all directions and got an entire cleaning done! He started to get a little upset when she was flossing his teeth, but got right over it.

He even let Dr Cooper take a look at his teeth and high fived him when there were no cavities! I really wanted to cry while I watched him getting his teeth cleaned. Laying there so calm, behaved and not the baby he was just 8 months ago when he first visited the office. I was so proud of him.

He was even a little flirty with the hygienist and they loved his little personality. They complimented him on his good manners and great behavior....and, even his cute jeans! Haha. He got 2 prizes on the way out, one for good behavior and one for no cavities. He was more excited about his new toothbrush than the prizes and even asked on the way home when we would be going back! Proud moment for this Mama!

First Tool Box

A few weeks ago, on a family trip to Lowes, Eddie decided to get Diego a few of his own tools and a small tool box. He picked up some nuts, bolts and a few kids sized tools and had some tools already set aside for him at home. Diego was in heaven! He and Daddy are "talking tools" here. Diego likes the measuring tape the best, but also just enjoys learning about the tools and knowing that soon he will be able to help Daddy do some things around the house!