Thank you to all my blog friends who posted pregnant pictures! I will try to post more of these as I the baby grows. Right now, he or she is really movin' around and I'm really enjoying it. I still can't believe I'm almost 6 months along, before we know it we'll have a new baby here.
We're starting our childbirth class on October 30th, and I am so excited. I'm not good at reading books, so I'm hoping to learn a lot in the class.
Hopefully soon, I'll have pictures of the nursery! Oh wait, we're still procrastinating! Ha ha! Ta ta for now!
You and that bump are so adorable! I loved feeling my babies move around, I thought it was so cool! And for a long time after my pregnancies, I felt "fantom" movements.
Enjoy your classes! Sometimes lifelong friendships are formed in those things. I didn't read a single book or take a single class about childbirth. There were some things that happened along the way that really threw me for a curve ball~just ask Becca about my colostrum story sometime! So hopefully you'll be all up to speed on things, unlike me, wondering my mustard was coming out of my boob!
Look at you!!!
You are so cute, I love your little bump, and I love your jeans!
And I'm so proud of you for all your blog posts, and now even music...atta girl!
I hope SHE keeps movin' around and letting you know SHE's happy and healthy!
Let me just say that when they tell you to make sure to read the info they give you on everything do it. I thought for sure I would not need to read any of the info on c-sections because the doctor said she saw nothing with my pregnancy that would cause me to need one,I was having no complications, but she of course gave no guarantee with that because you never know what can happen. Well after 31 hours of labor I had a c-section.She just wouldn't come out the normal way.
I also thought you should know that I bonded with 2 of the girls in my birth class and did playgroups with them after the kid's were born, they have both moved away, but I still email them and see them occasionally when they are on the area.
Look at how cute you look! Makes me wish I was pregnant... well, sorta!
I loved all the baby movements, too. In fact, I just loved being pregnant altogether!!
Can't wait until SHE is born!!!
Have fun in your classes! When Jason & I were pregnant with our oldest (Maggie) we went to every class offered, and we loved it. We learned everything from swaddling to labor techniques. I remember the anticipation and excitement about having our first child.
Love the baby bump! Very cute. Please do post pictures of the nursery, how fun is that?
I'm still feeling boy. But I wasn't even accurate with my own pregancies so you might not want Eddie to go out and buy that bee bee gun just yet. You look fantastic.
Meghan you are just too cute!
We really enjoyed our birthing classes. I was suprised how much they helped when it came to giving birth.
Look at that little basketball belly! You are so cute pregnant! I bet from the back you can't even tell. I loved my childbirth classes and actually Mike listened and learned things that I didn't even pick up on. It came in handy later on. Thanks to Rachelle for insisting on a new belly photo! Your audience demands more!
What a cute picture! How exciting!
Wow check you out with music! So, adorable. What's funny is that your little 6 month pooch was my pre-pregnancy pooch :) I'll show you those pregnancy pics that I told you about when you have some free time.
See, I told you that everyone would think you look adorable. You need to listen to your best friend more often!!!
Excuse me!?! What is all this noise coming from my computer. I thought we promised each other we wouldn't put music on our blogs. Pregnancy is making you crazy!!! Nice choices in music though...so I won't hold it against you. :-)
And I have to let you know that Sawyer told Scott we went crazy shopping for your baby today...she thought we had bought everything with the "magic gun"!
And the most important thing to get from your classes is not to wait too long to ask for pain numbing drugs....the rest you have no control over!!!
Yay for the baby bump! You look so cute. I met a good friend in childbirthing class, and we still keep in touch.
Oh Sharon and her mustard. Too funny!
Fabulous pic! You are adorable! You are smart to do your classes now...we had just finished them when Lucy surprised us 4 weeks early!
Don't hesitate to tell the nurses you need meds!! They progressed the delivery quite quickly!
you look so blasted cute Meghan!!
I was reading comments on other blogs, and saw your name popping up. So I had to come look.
Love the music. My husband loves Nitty Gritty (well that song) and came to see what I was looking at. So I had to confess I didn't know you! ;)
Love your picture! It has been 3 years since my last and I still think I have something in me! It's the craziest thing.
Hey Meghan,
If you need curtains for the little ones room, Linen and Things has some adorable curtains. It took me two years to find curtains for Aliyah's room. I was having a hard time finding curtains that were cheaper than $50.00 per panel. Much thanks to Kelli, she steared me towards this brand at Linen and Things.. "Wamsutta Expressions Panel." They have really cute colors, and they also have different lengths. For the shortest length (63") they are $12.99 per panel. I LOVE THEM!!! Just wanted to give you a heads up!
P.S. I would love to do photos for you. I need all the practice I can get:)
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