This morning at 1 am Diego woke up, which isn't in itself totally unusual for him. But, usually he will either shuffle himself back to sleep or I will get him and put him back to sleep. Today was different. He just wouldn't go back to sleep. We walked, we bounced, we layed down together to snuggle...still very upset! I finally put my finger in his mouth and felt the reason for his cries...a tooth had popped through his gums. The bottom right one. My poor little guy was suffering. So, we had a little tylenol and a warm bottle and back to sleep he went. Here is my attempt at a picture of the pearly white popping through....you can't see it though...
The first of many to come! Then to fall out, then to come in again, then to get braces put on, then to have retainers, then......oops! Getting ahead of myself and poor little Diego!
Congrats, Diego! You're one step closer to real food!! : )
Go Diego Go!!! Kaia was singing this earlier.
Of course it had to come thru during the middle of the night! I have my fingers crossed the rest appear during the daylight hours!
So exciting!
Ona cracks me up!
Ohhhh, love the photo. I remember those nights (we are still having them!). The ones where you are like, "What the heck? What is it? What should I do or you? I wish you could talk and tell me!" but no sentences come pouring out of your little guy's mouth to inform you of his problem. Mommies are masters at interpereting the uninterpretable!
YAY! I'm sorry to hear that he was hurting, poor li'l guy... But he will be so cute with little toofies!
First tooth! It's so exciting. Good job Diego.
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