Today Diego had his 18 month well child checkup, and I'll be honest, it wasn't fun. Since the 9 month check up he has had a hard time at the Doctor's office. He cries as soon as he see's the nurse, who is a sweet sweet young woman, but he remembers that she gives the shots. He cries while he is weighed. He cries while the Doctor examines him. He did calm down for a few minutes this time while the doctor chatted with me, but all in all my poor little guy was upset and scared the majority of the time. And when he's upset, he's upset and usually its hard to calm him down unless we go home. :)
At 18 months old, Diego is 36" (3 feet) Tall, which is the 99% for boys his age, which means he is taller than most other boys his age! He weighs 27 lbs and 8.5 oz, which is the 70%. His head measures at 50 1/4 cm, which is the 96% and as the doctor so tactfully put it "he's got a nice big head"!
Hmmm....I would bet if I pulled Jag's sheets, Diego's head is still smaller than his!! Maybe we both just have kids with "big heads" HA HA
He is getting so big!
He's nice and proportionate! Hopefully he recovered from Friday's tumble and the Dr. Visit.
Since he's already eating 2 eggies a day at breakfast...and he's not even two...I don't envy you your grocery bill when he's a teenager!! But I do agree with Melody, at least he's proportionate!
Ooooh that mean ol' nasty doctor/nurse! Tristan went through a stage like this. I literally had to physically hold him down for them to check his ears. Then he got a Fisher Price doctor's kit as a gift and I started playing with it at home with him to make getting checked out fun. The next doc appt. we took it with us and he and the doc played with his kit together prior to his "real" check up. It stopped a lot of tears.
His stats are similar to Jaycoby's at that age. Gotta love those 99% height kids. Just wait, he'll be skipping sizes in no time. And don't worry about the head. We were sent to Portland for an ultrasound on Jaycoby's head when he was 8 months old because he has a "nice big head" too :). Some kids just have alotta noggin :)
Just like I wrote to Rachel I so miss catching up with you guys and your blogs! He is so adorable!
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