Diego and I and my Dad took a trip to California so Diego could meet my Dad's side of the family for the first time. It was a short trip but we had a great time. Diego really enjoyed meeting everyone and I think they all enjoyed him too, even if he was exhausted the whole time we were there.
This is Diego with Shannon and Nolan, my cousin Erin and her husband Jim's two children. They played together very well. After a slight melt down over Nolan's hotwheels car, Diego had fun. Nolan was such a sweet boy and shared his car with Diego, even though I knew it was special to him. Shannon is a sweet sweet little girl and so cute!
This is Diego at "Baby Beach" in Dana Point. I've always enjoyed visiting Dana Point, but especially enjoyed seeing Diego experience a warm sandy beach for the first time. I wasn't really planning in him enjoying it as much as he did, cause he ran right into the water fully dressed! I didn't bring a towel or a change of clothes with me, but oh well! We had a blast. Diego sat in the water, threw wet sand, dug in the sand and just really enjoyed himself. It was so nice to be on the beach in October and it was 80+ degrees and have the ocean warm like bath water!
Here is what Diego did for most of the flight there and back. It was awesome. He's an excellent traveler, besides being tired and getting a molar while we were there, the little guy was an absolute trooper!
This is Diego with his GiGi (Great Grandma) and his Great Aunt Laurie. This picture is the background on my computer and he asks for GiGi whenever we turn it on and can point to Aunt Laurie too. Diego really loved GiGi and I think she felt the same. :) Everymorning GiGi has a piece of coffee cake and graciously shared most of it with Diego. She let him just help himself, because she said he was too cute to say no to!
I didn't get any pictures of Diego with Great Aunt Lori (he has 2) and Great Uncle Peter but he sure enjoyed spending time with them too! They have two new Dachsound puppies and Diego had a blast with them. They also took us on a ride on their boat and Uncle Peter let Diego turn the "wheel" during the ride. That's when he became Diego's new best friend! I even got Diego to say "Pete" on the airplane ride to California, but he would never repeat it the whole trip. He says it now on command, of course.
I really wish they all lived closer and we could spend more time together!
I am so glad that Diego was such a good flier. I'm so glad you took the trip to see your family. They were probably so greatful to be able to spend time with their charming little great grandson, nephew, etc!
Erin's daughter looks a lot like her! The picture of Diego with your Grandma and Aunt Laurie is very cute! She also looks a lot like your grandma! I am so glad it all worked out and that you had a good time. Diego has tured into to quite the little traveler!
Love you!
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