Here is Diego on Christmas eve, in his cute jammies I found last March, so glad I chose the right size and they look so cute on him!
On Christmas morning, Diego woke up at 6 am, which is pretty early for him and I would usually try to get him back to sleep, but Eddie and I were so excited for him to see his presents that we decided to just get up. I finally got a cute picture of him in front of the tree.
We were really lucky because he was generally disinterested in the tree the whole time it was in the house. He would stop by it a time or two and mess with the lights or the soft ornaments I purposely put on the bottom, but he mainly just crawled on by.

He wasn't super interested in opening presents after the first 1 or 2, and of course much more interested in the bows and wrapping paper than anything else!
A classic bow-on-head picture, love it!

On Christmas morning, Diego woke up at 6 am, which is pretty early for him and I would usually try to get him back to sleep, but Eddie and I were so excited for him to see his presents that we decided to just get up. I finally got a cute picture of him in front of the tree.
We were really lucky because he was generally disinterested in the tree the whole time it was in the house. He would stop by it a time or two and mess with the lights or the soft ornaments I purposely put on the bottom, but he mainly just crawled on by.

He wasn't super interested in opening presents after the first 1 or 2, and of course much more interested in the bows and wrapping paper than anything else!

Diego was absolutely spoiled for Christmas. He got all kinds of neat toys that light up and make noise, which he loves! He got a few books, some puzzles, a new red jacket and even his first savings bond!
Our favorite Christmas present (well, a few days after, on the 27th) was watching Diego stand up alone for the first time (for a significant period of time). He was drinking from his cup and stood there for a good 5 seconds or so. This is the best picture I could get of him standing. Later that day, Eddie and I were playing with him and I thought we should just go ahead and try to see if he might take a step or two. Eddie stood him up towards me and steadied him in a standing position and he totally took 2 or 3 steps and fell into me. Then, he did it again back to Daddy and again back to me! We were so excited and he was clapping right along with us! He did it again for Auntie Erica, Uncle Bryan, and Cousins Hank, Olivia and Jagger, but when he's done, he's done and he won't stand up anymore! I hope to catch some steps on video soon and some more of him standing, but so far I've just been selfishly enjoying it all myself without running for the camera. :)