We celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary with a 5 day trip to Sunriver this year. We rented a gorgeous house and Chloe even came along with us.
It was so nice to just relax and enjoy each others company. It snowed about 4 inches the first day we were there and it stuck around the whole time. We spent a lot of time outside in the snow, playing inside by the fire, watching movies and daily swimming in the hot tub!
Diego and Chloe both LOVED playing in the snow! We spent a lot of time outside in it. There were hardly any other people around, so Chloe got a lot of free reign. I think she was in heaven. Diego's favorite part of the snow was eating it. One night we got a bowl of it and brought it inside and he ate it.
We also enjoyed yummy hot chocolate every morning. Diego was in heaven. He loved the marshmallows. We enjoyed cooking all of our meals in. We had more than enough food for the week, so we ate way more than we needed. I treated Eddie to a nice 90 minute deep tissue massage in Bend and Diego and I headed to Old Mill District to shop and have a little ice cream. We spent an hour in the great toy store they have, Diego played with the train table the entire time. And, we even left without buying anything! He was happy just to play. We ate one Dinner out at Red Robin that night.