On Thursday, we had our 2nd doctor's appointment and heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time! It really made this whole experience real...we were both so excited to hear it...this is all such a miracle! My Birthday was Friday and that was the BEST birthday present an expecting Mommy could ask for! I told Eddie I wasn't sure if I would laugh or cry when we heard it...I laughed, which made extra noise on the machine! Later that day, I wanted to cry tears of joy and excitement... We are really bringing a baby into this world, and right now he or she is growing like mad!! I am already feeling big, but the Doctor says I'm "measuring" just right for 12 weeks. I had to include this picture of my belly this week, just to show that I can't button my pants anymore!

I wore my first pair of maternity pants on Friday and the comfort was just amazing! I'm definitely hooked!!
I had a great birthday...besides the fact that I had to work! My Mom sent be the beautiful bouquet you see in the picture below, such a wonderful surprise and they brightened up my non-window office for the whole day! Max came and had lunch with me and we had a great time talking and eating. I just don't see him enough. I made him promise that we would spend more time together!! In the evening I did exactly what I wanted, nothing! I layed on the couch with Eddie and we had Chinese take out. Another gift, I have felt great for about 4 days now!! The nausea is very minimal, whoopeee!!