Monday, May 26, 2008
A Date with my Husband
Tonight, Eddie and I had our first date since Diego arrived. My Sister has been dying to babysit, and we finally let her tonight. Just having the chance to spend a little time together was wonderful! I bought a fun new outfit and Eddie even wore slacks and a polo...if you know Eddie you know he prefers warm up pants and a t-shirt! We went to dinner at the Best Little Roadhouse and really enjoyed the company of one another. We were only gone 2 hours, but it was a wonderful night out together! Maybe next time we'll hit a movie, too!

Saturday, May 24, 2008
3 Months Old
Diego is 3 months old today~! Time sure flies when you're having fun. He is growing like crazy...already over 14 pounds and over 2 feet tall. He's about to move to size 2 diapers and fitting really well into his 3-6 month clothes, and has been for a few weeks now. He is holding his head up really well and is very interested in toys, although Mommy is still his favorite "toy" to interact with. If this never changed, I would be ok with that. :)
He is enjoying bath time a lot more and is just starting to kick his feet in the water, making sure to soak Mommy's shirt every time!
He also really loves his baby bjorn and would be content and happy to wander around with me all day every day...except for when I'm putting clothes from the washer into the dryer, he doesn't like that for some reason. He takes 3 or 4 naps a day and sleeps pretty well most nights. I want him in his bassinet next to our bed as long as possible, and the manufacturers recommendation says he can be in it until he's 18 pounds, so that's probably where he'll stay until then! Each morning when he wakes up for the day, he is all smiles. Mommy and Daddy sometimes take a while to get out of bed, but Diego doesn't mind, he is just happy to have one of us hold him and talk to him, he doesn't care if we don't actually get out of bed right away. He is "talking" a lot more and making new sounds every day. One day I even heard a "Da" and I, of course, immediately encouraged "Ma." We had a wonderful, relaxing mother's day. Eddie and Diego gave me a Willow Tree statue of a Momma and her son...very precious. My Mom gave me a beautiful hanging basket of flowers and Diego enjoys going with me each day to water it. He grabs at the flowers and makes cute little sounds and noises.
He is also laughing now! It is pure joy to hear him laugh, usually just one of us laughing will make him squeel and laugh with joy! He is really enjoying sniffs and kisses (on the toes only for now) from our Dog Chloe, who he loves to just watch as she trots about the house.

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Eddie's Birthday was Tuesday, but as usual I'm a little late posting about it! Happy Birthday Honey, I can't believe you're already 31!! We LOVE YOU!

Diego took a bath, which he is starting to enjoy a little more...BUT what you can't see here is about 5 seconds after I took this photo he started screaming! I was still using the little hammock that comes in the bathtubs for him, thinking he was still a little too small to use the tub without it...I was wrong! I looked at the instruction book for the tub and realized you are only supposed to us the hammock for babies up to 10 pounds, and the ONLY is in bold...Diego is 13 1/2 pounds....oops! I tried the next bath without the hammock, but we had the same ordeal....happy for a few minutes then all out freak out!

Perfect end to the day, an evening nap with Daddy!
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