Big news at the Diaz household, little Diego Samuel is 5 months old! He is learning all sorts of new things. He rolls from his tummy to his back. He has discovered his feet, and absolutely loves to suck on his little toes...which by the way, is the cutest darn thing I've ever seen!
He's drooling and knawing on things like crazy, so I'm pretty sure he is teething. Today, he sat up for a little bit on his own, holding himself up with his hands. He is scooting all over while on his tummy, and gets mad if he can't get where he wants to!
We started a little rice cereal earlier this week, and I think he might be catchin' on a little. He might have even swallowed a little bit of it today, our 4th try!!
We are enjoying every second with our little man!