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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Seven Months Old

Seven Months! Wow! Diego is all smiles! He has 2 teeth now, so its been a rough month for the poor little guy. You can't tell by these fun pictures though! He learned to clap, which I have to say is just the cutest darn thing. Mom and Dad wore out the new trick within a few days though, so he won't do it as much for us right now.We walked the Race for the Cure this month and Diego had a great time! He slept for about 1/2 of it, but enjoyed looking around downtown Portland.
He's getting closer and closer to crawling and has decided he would rather be on the bare floor or carpet than on his blankies. I ran to the bathroom and this is what I came back to. He loves it!
Diego is such a joy to be around and we love to watch him learn and grow each day. His laugh and new sounds melt our hearts. A few nights ago, he woke up in the middle of the night and when I went to get him, his diaper had leaked, so I picked him up. He looked at me with a cute little smile and gently touched my face, what a precious moment for a Mama and baby. I can't say I don't wish he would sleep all night every night, but I still enjoy spending time with him in the quiet of the wee morning hours.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Welcome Baby Boy Kofoid!

Reed Robert Kofoid
born September 19th, 2008
5:56 PM
19 1/2 " Long
6 lbs 15 oz
Mom, Baby Reed, Daddy and Little Sis Sawyer are all doing great! Rachel was as perky as ever when I spoke to her one the phone this evening!
Pictures coming soon....

Visit Rachel's blog and leave the family your comments!

Vaseline Cures Cradle Cap: At a Price!

My child was blessed with a full head of hair. It's gorgeous chestnut brown and absolutely adorable. Its what most people notice first about him, next to his beautiful brown eyes.
A few months ago I noticed he had a mild case of cradle cap and contemplated what to do for him. At his four month check up, the doctor recommended using vaseline on his hair before a bath and then washing out to clear it up. Others suggested baby oil, and I also considered one of the many "Cradle Cap Shampoo"s out there. I wanted to see if it might clear up on its own, so I waited a little while before doing anything. One night before bath time, I decided to go ahead with the vaseline on his hair. The hair on top of his head, where the cradle cap was, is pretty long too, at least an inch and a half, so I knew it would be kind of a mess whatever I decided to do because it would take a lot to get the gooey stuff down to his scalp. So, a got a big blob of vaseline from the container and slathered it on his haid. Right away I was regretting this decision. First of all, it immediately made a huge mess of his hair, but I rubbed it in a little anyway and let it sit while he played in the tub. Then, I tried to wash it out. It wasn't coming out! I called Eddie into the bathroom to show him and do you know what he said? "Oh, I could have told you that would be a mess!" What? No help there! So I wash his hair a few more times and still the sticky mess won't come out. Diego didn't seem to mind the mess, so I just left it. The next morning I realized it was still there! So I layed him on the counter in the bathroom and proceeded to wash his hair about 10 more times and it improved, but it was still a greasy sticky mess. We had plans that day, so needless to say, I was freaking out! But, he was growing tired of me washing his hair pretty fast and I started to feel bad. So I went ahead and left it there and put a hat on his head. Later I even got in the tub with him, thinking if I submerged his haid in water it would help, but no.
We went to a birthday party and people kept asking if he was hot cause they thought he was sweating. I just sort of ignored them acting like it was fine. I finally went to the internet for help. Many websites suggested cornstarch to absorb the moisture of the vaseline, but I had none. Then I found a site that said to mix baking soda with baby shampoo, and I tried it. It helped, but it still took 5 more days for the vaseline to disappear. The good news: The cradle cap is gone!! The pictures in this post were taken 3 days after I put the vaseline in his hair!

** I can't figure out how to rotate this picture, does anyone know how?? HELP PLEASE!! **

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Sweet Sleeping Angel

After 6 months of not wanting to let go of Diego sleeping in my room and sometimes in bed with me, I finally tried putting him in his crib at night. The first two nights he woke up a few times and I of course brought him back into my room for the night. The third night, he slept all night! He has slept all night in his crib for 3 nights now! I am not holding my breath that it will continue, but the poor little guy needed his own space and his Mama just wasn't ready to not have him by her side. He has slept better, Eddie has slept better, but you know who is waking up every hour or two to check on the baby! We bought a video baby monitor, so mostly I just click the video on so I can see him, but I do sneak into his room a time or two during the night. Hopefully I will begin sleeping too, soon, but for now I'm just glad he is getting good sleep. I often find myself watching the monitor like its my favorite tv show!

He is definitely an active sleeper! He is in a different position every time I look at him. I always lay him in the same position and he usually ends up with his head towards the other end of the crib and on his stomach by the time he wakes up in the morning!
We usually put a baby gate up at our bedroom door at night, to keep the dog in, otherwise she is running around the house all night waking us up. I wish I would have remembered it was there when I jumped out of bed the other night when Diego started crying. Instead, I ran right into it! I knocked it out of the doorway and fell flat onto it, OUCH! But now, I can officially laugh about it, it truly is hilarious!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Tooth!

This morning at 1 am Diego woke up, which isn't in itself totally unusual for him. But, usually he will either shuffle himself back to sleep or I will get him and put him back to sleep. Today was different. He just wouldn't go back to sleep. We walked, we bounced, we layed down together to snuggle...still very upset! I finally put my finger in his mouth and felt the reason for his cries...a tooth had popped through his gums. The bottom right one. My poor little guy was suffering. So, we had a little tylenol and a warm bottle and back to sleep he went. Here is my attempt at a picture of the pearly white popping can't see it though...