(my Nephew Jagger on top, and Reed on the bottom)
The day before the party, I decided Diego needed a fun birthday balloon for the party, so he and I went to party depot and I picked out a big mylar balloon that says "Look Who's 1." We brought it home in the car and took it into the kitchen. It was naptime, so he took his nap and when he woke up we went to see Rachel's new house. When we returned home from that trip and came inside, all of a sudden he was PETRIFIED of the balloon. I pulled it down from the ceiling so he could look at it and he clawed into me like it was a big monster! I had to take it into another room so he couldn't see it while we ate dinner. The next morning, as Eddie and I were getting things ready for the party, Diego was playing with his toys and every once in a while he would look up to the ceiling and cry and I couldn't figure out why. Finally I remembered the balloon was up there and so grabbed it to move it to the back bedroom and out of sign. Well, this apparently came across to him as the balloon was going to get me and he just lost it! I came back and picked him up and he just kept crying. I took him down the hallway to his room to change his diaper, crying the whole way, and he peered into the hallway like the balloon might jump out and grab him, but then he realized it was out of sight, yet still he was clearly upset by it. Now, even when I say the word balloon, he looks up to see if its around. Hopefully he will forget about the darn thing soon, and maybe I'll forget about the $9 I spent on it as it sits in our back room waiting to be deflated and disposed!!
Eddie and I were really worried because after the whole balloon incident, Diego refused to take his morning nap. We were just sure he would melt down during the party, but he did GREAT! He had so much fun and not a peep out of the little guy. He had friends and cousins to play with and tons of new toys. We served Taco Soup lunch for everyone, followed by opening presents (mostly me, Sawyer and Jagger with very little help from Diego) and then cake. Diego had fun eating his cupcake and didn't make too big of a mess!

(You can't see his shirt very well here, but his party shirt said "Chicks dig me.")