A few weeks ago Diego and I headed to Kah-Nee-Ta to spend the night with my sister Erica and her family in their HUGE trailer! Eddie bought us a GPS a while back and I've had nothing but success using it, so when we decided to go to Kah-Nee-Ta I just figured I could type in the address and it would take me there safely. Now, yes, I've heard lots of horror stories on GPS devices sending people on gravel roads/back roads, etc but I was just certain Eddie and I had put the settings correctly and we would be fine. A few hours before we left my nephew Hank called and wanted to ride with us, and I'm SO glad he did! I picked him up in Silverton and we headed off. I trusted the GPS at every turn, but then it told us to turn off of Highway 26 and the road turned to gravel. I began to sweat just a little. I'm thinking to myself, ok, we'll get there eventually. There were lots of other cars on the gravel road, so I figured we had to be going the right way. Then, Hank (my nephew) started to make jokes and I started to freak out a lot more. We ended up on the gravel road for 11 miles and it took us at least 45 minutes. I was sure glad Hank was there with us and I had someone to talk to besides Diego (who was asleep in the back). We got off the gravel road and back on to a main highway and I breathed a sigh of relief, a BIG one! It wanted me to turn onto another one, but I kept on the highway and it recalculated itself and we stayed on main roads the rest of the way. Lesson learned: Never drive on a National Forestry Road (NF-anything is bad), and make sure your GPS is set to avoid all unpaved roads. The trip home was much smoother. :)
We had a great time at Kah-Nee-Ta just relaxing, swimming, playing outside, watching movies, etc. I didn't take many pictures and I guess it was because I was chasing Diego around the whole time. My sister got some cute pictures and posted them on her blog. Diego is a champion traveler. He LOVES the car. He never makes a peep unless we stop, then he wants to "gdout". He had a bit of a hard time in the trailer cause its such a small space, but did great. We had our own little room to sleep in in the back of the trailer and it worked out great since he wakes up early. He was pretty quiet and we played for about 45 minutes before everyone else got up. I want to get a trailer someday, its just like a home away from home. We ate all our meals in there and everything! After Diego went to bed, Erica, Hank, Jagger and I all played Old Maid. Jag "won" both times. :) Then Erica, Bryan, Hank and I all crammed on to the masterbedroom bed and watched "I love you, Man." Which was hilarious. I really wish I would've got a picture of the 4 of us laying there watching the movie on the 8" tv screen. LOL! Fun times!
This picture is of Diego in the floatation swim suit Jagger gave us (it was his when he was Diego's size). It was pretty funny to see him in it, and he didn't seem to mind at all until he wanted to sit down or bend over. He's such a good sport.