Today, he turned 2. 2 years since this sweet boy came into our lives and forever changed us. I spent a lot of time thinking about the day he was born, remembering just about every bit of it and smiling. Bringing this child into the world has been the best thing that has ever happened to us.
I was so excited for his special day, that I couldn't sleep. I layed out all his gifts (from us and from out of town family) in our bedroom so we didn't have to wait to get downstairs to play with them (that's how excited I was). When Diego woke up (at 5:20 this morning, ugh), I brought him to our room and we snuggled for a few minutes, then I turned on the light. At first he just looked and then he was ready to play! His favorite was the basketball hoop from Grandma GG. He also loved his new scooter and immediately knew how to ride it!

Shootin' some hoops!

He got his own special "coffee" today at Java Crew. It was a strawberry steamer (warm milk with flavor added) and he loved the whip cream on the straw the most!
We hosted playgroup today and each of the kids brought Diego a special gift for his birthday. After lunch, we sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed a special small Lightnin' McQueen cake.

Here is Diego after I blew out the candles on his cake!

Here he is in his new Lightnin' McQeen couch, all "snug" with popcorn watching Curious Geore with Mommy. He is in love with the couch, which he got from the Kofoid's, all he can say is "snug" and he spent a lot of time in it today. He also enjoyed watching the Curious George movie from Aunt "Marfa" and Uncle Morgan.

When Eddie came home from work, the three of us went to Red Robin for dinner. Diego had a great time coloring and "grazing" his dinner, he wasn't too sure about the singing but he LOVED the ice cream sundae, especially the sprinkles and the cherry! After Red Robin we headed to Toys R Us to spend the gift card from Uncle Peter and Aunt Lori. What a great way to end a special day, running free all over a toy store!
Happy Birthday Diego, I LOVE YOU!