We took a family trip to Austin in April for Auntie "Marfa"s wedding. Our first trip on the airplane as a family! Diego did really well on the plane ride there, even with a 2 hour delay we had in Dallas. We didn't get to our condo until Midnight Texas time, and we were all pretty exhausted! We had a very relaxing time and enjoyed some really good Texas food, including catfish. Which was pretty good I must admit! Aside from the lack of sleep Diego had, he was a real trooper throughout the trip. He and I did a lot of swimming and hot tubbing at the condo.
Diego was the ring bearer in the wedding and wore a white shirt with jeans and cowboy boots. He looked adorable. He was exhausted the day of Martha and Morgan's wedding but everyone thought he was so funny (except Eddie and I)! He actually walked down the aisle, but with a sippy cup in hand and refused to hold the Flower Girl's hand. He stopped mid way and tried to take a seat (poor boy was tired!). He made it to the front with me and waited for Daddy to come down the aisle and give Auntie Marfa away before taking off! I fully expected this since the wedding was outside on a beautiful ranch. He and I did a little exploring during the ceremony and made friends with the nice guy who drove the shuttle cart to the ceremony location. After the ceremony we headed to the reception and enjoyed food, dancing and a good time visiting with Martha's new in-law family and Gabby, who we don't get to see very often.
Diego didn't love the flight home as much as he did the flight to Texas, but he didn't scream or anything horrible. He just kept asking to get off and our attempts at distracting him were never for long. :) We had a nice visit and hope to one day go back and visit Auntie Marfa and Uncle Morgan again.