Saturday, April 30, 2011
"Hoppy" Easter!
Just for Fun...
VooDoo Doughnuts

March for Babies
Friday, April 29, 2011
Fun Day Friday - First Edition

Sunday, April 24, 2011
First Real Dental Cleaning!

He even let Dr Cooper take a look at his teeth and high fived him when there were no cavities! I really wanted to cry while I watched him getting his teeth cleaned. Laying there so calm, behaved and not the baby he was just 8 months ago when he first visited the office. I was so proud of him.

First Tool Box
Monday, April 18, 2011
Weather Optimist

Today is it, friends. I'm gonna switch up my blog a little. For the most part I've always written about the cute/fun/not so cute or fun things Diego is doing. Don't worry, I'm not quitting that. I enjoy writing though, and decided to sprinkle some other things in too. Most of my friends sprinkle in other fun things too, but I was really inspired by Little Lucy Lu, a blog written by a gal I went to high school with. She writes about craft projects, her cute little girl, her home, etc. I was entertained and inspired! So here I go.
I've always considered myself somewhat of a weather optimist. I can find something good about any kind of weather. Seriously. When its sunny, of course we can go outside. When its raining/hailing we GET TO stay inside. Yes I said get to, I'm not an outdoorsy girl. When it snows, we can go outside for a little bit and enjoy it, then we can come back in and watch it silently, beautifully fall while we sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate. Well, Eddie and I can do that. Diego can run around like a crazy person, as usual. You get the idea, I don't let the weather get me down, whatever it may be. I'm also not afraid to say that I really do believe I could melt if I spent too much time in the rain and I hate getting dirty. 'Nuf said.
I took the picture above on a rainy day a few weeks ago. Diego and I were out to run and errand and I spotted this perfect rainbow and snapped a picture with my cell phone. Yes, from the car, but we were stopped at the stop sign. Shhhhh don't tell my husband (Love you Honey:). Diego loves rainbows, and that day I realized I really do too! Who doesn't, really? They seem magical somehow. This was the first FULL rainbow we had seen in a while and it seemed also symbolic to me. Symbolic of what? I'm not sure, but clearly of good things to come.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
"Pull Up" Festival

This was the highlight of his day. I'm not sure what they call this, but its a bouncy thing and he went really high! He kept saying "Best day EVER" (like Rapunzel says on Tangled). It was supposed to be a 5 minute ride, but there was no line behind us so I think his turn was about 10 minutes, it was great!