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Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Hoppy" Easter!

Easter was pretty low key, but a lot of fun this year!

 On Easter morning, the Easter Bunny hid a few eggs and an Easter basket for a really excited little guy!

 We hit the Ram for a yummy Easter brunch!

 The day before Easter, we colored Easter Eggies with Grandma, Uncle Lance, Aunt Yuni, Jack and Benie.  Diego really loved coloring the eggies with a crayon and then dunking them in the dye!

Diego LOVED participating in the MOMs Club Egg Hunt.  He got 4 eggs, and you would have thought the boy had a HUGE basket full judging by his excitement!  He was in heaven.  And, he got a bit of Candy at 10 am, what could be better?

Just for Fun...

Because I LOVE to get dirty.  Because DIEGO loves to get dirty.  Because it was a rainy day and we had been inside.  Because I wanted to take some fun pictures.  I let Diego jump in the puddle that is our backyard, just for fun!  Eddie is planning on fixing the yard soon, so I wanted to take advantage of the dirty, muddy FUN puddle before its gone.  We were outside for maybe 1/2 an hour and I took 300 pictures.  I'm not even kidding.  Eddie insisted on this ridiculously fancy camera about a year ago, and because its so big, I don't take it anywhere or use it nearly enough.  But it captures a lot of fun things, like flying mud!  The shutter speed is amazing, so taking 300 pictures is nothing!  Here are my favorites:
 Jumping in the puddles is pure delight for him~!

 Flying MUD!
I love the Mid-Air pics, can you tell?

All over his face!

I just like this one, because I do.

Super cute profile pic of my boy, and it gives the false impression that our backyard actually looks nice (but it really doesn't right now).  Ha!
Telling me something really important about the mud.

More flingin' mud, he just can't get enough!

Jumping, oh yeah!
He fell in the mud, and it was SO funny!
"One more time, Mama."

Then, we went in and immediately took a shower!

VooDoo Doughnuts

We in the Diaz household LOVE doughnuts.  Don't judge us, ok?  And seriously, keep the cop/doughnut jokes to yourself! ;)  (Bad Cop, NO DOUGHNUT!)  I won't lie, I've used that slogan myself, in my house, to my husband, on several occasions.  Fortunately, he has a great sense of humor, so it always ends in laughter. 

Anyway, the real story here is, we made a spur of the moment trip to VooDoo doughnuts last week.  Eddie tried to go to Dunkin Donuts, but I talked him into VooDoo.  NONE of us were disappointed.  I'm not kidding, once you go VooDoo, you don't wanna go back.  They were SO good.  I will say, though, I've honestly yet to taste a doughnut I didn't like (yes, I'm a fan of Hostess Chocolate Covered Donettes), but VooDoo was superb!  Diego was extremely happy with his Froot Loop donut!

March for Babies

This morning, Diego and I walked in the local March of Dimes "March for Babies".  We did the 3K walk and Diego went sans stroller, meaning he walked almost the entire 3K (1.86 miles).  He was such a great little walker!  I did carry him a little bit, but he walked darn close to the whole thing, with a smile!

 We walked for this sweet girl, Lauren Marie, born at 25 weeks and 4 days, weighing 1 lb 3oz, and for all other babies born prematurely!  Lauren is almost 2 (May 20th is her birthday), and is truly a miracle.  She's a spunky, adorable girl, with one of the cutest voices you'll ever hear.  She's growing and developing perfectly now.  She hit many milestones at an earlier age than Diego (including potty training, which she is currently working on and she is NOT EVEN 2).  We are so thankful to be a part of this girls life.  Her Mama is one of my BFF's and I'm so glad Diego and I got to walk this morning to support this cause!
Lauren's Team (a section of Team Heaven's Hope):  Jami (Mommy), Adam (Daddy), Kari (friend), Diego and I.  What a fun way to start our saturday!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun Day Friday - First Edition

Bec over at Little Lucy Lu is thinking about starting a link up for her Fun Day Friday posts. I decided to jump in this week, even though I'm not exactly sure how this works. The theme for Fun Day Friday is to post about the fun things going on in your life. Thinks you are enjoying, recipes, crafts, fun plans, etc. What a great way to stay positive, right? So, here's what we're loving lately:

1. I finally figured out how to change the font on my blog. And, it wasn't hard at all. I've often neglected the look of my blog for months at a time thinking it would just take too much time or effort to make it look cute. My friend Mindy showed me how easy it is a few months ago. Yay for a semi-cute blog! Its a work in progress.

2. I'm loving my new interest in blogging. I'm discovering how much I enjoy writing as much as I enjoy reading others blogs!

3. Tomorrow we are walking in the local March for Babies, my friend Jami's girl Lauren was a micro-preemie, and a pure miracle. She is growing and developing so perfectly now! I am so excited we get to be a part of this walk with them! (there is still time to donate or register to walk, just click the link above!)

4. Today is my hubby's 34th Birthday! (yes, we will always remember Will and Kate's anniversary because they got married on his birthday, LOL) He's not into big celebrations, but we are partying Eddie style today! (aka Delicious waffles for breakfast, family time at home for the day and roundtable pizza for dinner) Diego made him an adorable card and we got him a gift card for a massage!

5. Guilty pleasure: I watched the royal wedding this morning. I couldn't get over all the press over the event and it was all driving me crazy. But last night, I decided I HAD to watch it, so I set the DVR to record it. I watched it first thing this morning while playing games with Diego. So far I've only seen the ceremony, which was very majestic and gorgeous. Kate looked so happy and when Will saw her he said "You look beautiful, you're beautiful." Yes, I teared up a bit. It was so sweet and they are an adorable couple. Ok, now you know. ;)

Hope you all (do I have any readers yet?) enjoyed my first Fun Day Friday post. Have a GREAT weekend!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Real Dental Cleaning!

Last week I took Diego in for his second dental check up. His very first visit to the dentist is a blur of tears, snot and holding down the bucking bronco that was my sweet child so the dentist could take a quick peek and paint on the vitamins. And, he had a cavity and had to be put under general anesthesia to have it filled. All around poor experience.This time, after a very brief anxiety bout, Diego absolutely amazed me! (and the Dentist and Hygienist) He let the hygienist show him her tools, he picked out a toothbrush and wore the cute sunglasses. Then, he layed there very still, following all directions and got an entire cleaning done! He started to get a little upset when she was flossing his teeth, but got right over it.

He even let Dr Cooper take a look at his teeth and high fived him when there were no cavities! I really wanted to cry while I watched him getting his teeth cleaned. Laying there so calm, behaved and not the baby he was just 8 months ago when he first visited the office. I was so proud of him.

He was even a little flirty with the hygienist and they loved his little personality. They complimented him on his good manners and great behavior....and, even his cute jeans! Haha. He got 2 prizes on the way out, one for good behavior and one for no cavities. He was more excited about his new toothbrush than the prizes and even asked on the way home when we would be going back! Proud moment for this Mama!

First Tool Box

A few weeks ago, on a family trip to Lowes, Eddie decided to get Diego a few of his own tools and a small tool box. He picked up some nuts, bolts and a few kids sized tools and had some tools already set aside for him at home. Diego was in heaven! He and Daddy are "talking tools" here. Diego likes the measuring tape the best, but also just enjoys learning about the tools and knowing that soon he will be able to help Daddy do some things around the house!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Weather Optimist

Today is it, friends. I'm gonna switch up my blog a little. For the most part I've always written about the cute/fun/not so cute or fun things Diego is doing. Don't worry, I'm not quitting that. I enjoy writing though, and decided to sprinkle some other things in too. Most of my friends sprinkle in other fun things too, but I was really inspired by Little Lucy Lu, a blog written by a gal I went to high school with. She writes about craft projects, her cute little girl, her home, etc. I was entertained and inspired! So here I go.

I've always considered myself somewhat of a weather optimist. I can find something good about any kind of weather. Seriously. When its sunny, of course we can go outside. When its raining/hailing we GET TO stay inside. Yes I said get to, I'm not an outdoorsy girl. When it snows, we can go outside for a little bit and enjoy it, then we can come back in and watch it silently, beautifully fall while we sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate. Well, Eddie and I can do that. Diego can run around like a crazy person, as usual. You get the idea, I don't let the weather get me down, whatever it may be. I'm also not afraid to say that I really do believe I could melt if I spent too much time in the rain and I hate getting dirty. 'Nuf said.

I took the picture above on a rainy day a few weeks ago. Diego and I were out to run and errand and I spotted this perfect rainbow and snapped a picture with my cell phone. Yes, from the car, but we were stopped at the stop sign. Shhhhh don't tell my husband (Love you Honey:). Diego loves rainbows, and that day I realized I really do too! Who doesn't, really? They seem magical somehow. This was the first FULL rainbow we had seen in a while and it seemed also symbolic to me. Symbolic of what? I'm not sure, but clearly of good things to come.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Pull Up" Festival

We met some friends at the Tulip Festival on a gorgeous day! This was Diego's first trip and he had a blast! He refers to it as the "Pull Up" Festival, and would love to go back! I rode the cow train with him (bumpiest ride EVER), but fun!
He took a little pony ride! He just hopped on for a ride like it ain't no 'thang!

This was the highlight of his day. I'm not sure what they call this, but its a bouncy thing and he went really high! He kept saying "Best day EVER" (like Rapunzel says on Tangled). It was supposed to be a 5 minute ride, but there was no line behind us so I think his turn was about 10 minutes, it was great!

He didn't quite get why I wanted him to look through this, and each time he did I chuckled, it was so funny.

The only thing we didn't do? Walk over to the actual Tulips. I know, I'm lame. But by the time we had played and played and played, it was time to go. :) Next time, we'll go see the flowers first.